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Data Analytics

The science of analyzing raw data in order to make insightful conclusions about information; this is Data Analytics. A vast array of techniques and processes innately performed by data analysts have been automated into algorithms that digest and distill raw data into meaningful responses. This evaluation of data analysis is a critical foundation in a world dominated by the availability and manipulation of data.  Each day we utilize our smartphones, smart TV’s, smart cars, and smart home devices in the Internet of Things. In our everyday utilization we provide these devices with an immense amount of data on us as people and our market behaviors. We create patterns and natural rule sets that these systems process and ultimately and iteratively learn from. The world of data analytics is an ever-evolving space for awaiting the perfect answer to the questions yet asked.



GreenDart operates at the forefront of industry by maximizing involvement in the world of data analytics.  GreenDart is instrumental in advancing a law enforcement led program of creating a single data set of unified law enforcement data, giving analysts a single platform to develop and train more effective algorithms. This platform ingests multiple sources and allow analysts to create patterns and rule sets to identify outliers for further inspection. Once initial digestion is complete, the computer learns new patterns based on these initial algorithms, optimally resulting in predictive identification and rule tailoring.  GreenDart is essential in addressing the gaps between requirements and reaching the solution expected by the customer.  Great emphasis is put on the ability of the computer to learn new patterns with minimal input from the analyst.


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